Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PDN 30 / Take it or Make it

Every year I secretly hope that I'll be selected for the PDN 30. Every year, I am not selected. And every year I get a little older.

After looking through the work of our promising future stars, I'm a little disappointed. A great deal of the work was shot as a reaction to something, rather than creating something from scratch. Taking vs. Making. Not sure why this is -- the whole selection seemed much more Fine Art and Journalism influenced than it has in the past. Maybe the folks at PDN are more interested in reality than artifice these days? Who knows.

I'm ok without other people validating my work. There's no other choice but to think that, unless you like beating yourself up. But it's also nice to get a shout out every once in a while. Maybe it's time to reinvent myself as a 20 year old with an art degree and a Yashica point and shoot?

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